Sunday, May 5, 2013

Improvements - The Next Step

We had a whole process last year, meetings, discussions, walk-alongs, messages in every mailbox, and came up with a list of improvements for Garden Walk. We had a consensus about improving signage, and then, suddenly, the process ground to a halt, people are busy, waiting for others to do the next step, or just plain procrastination.

But now the next step has finally been taken:

Based on the list of suggested improvements we have written to on 4 May 2013 and asked for a meeting to discuss the issues and get some action. Here is the email:

During the preparation of the Garden Walk Street Party for the Jubilee weekend in June 2012, residents on our street voiced concerns about vehicle traffic in Garden Walk. Residents have conducted a number of meetings, have organised a street walk to identify issues, and have set up a website which represents the consensus of the residents about the issues.

As we are planning to hold another Garden Walk Street Party this year, we now want to follow up these issues and ask for a meeting with the relevant Council officials to discuss the suggestions on our "Garden Walk improvements" sheet. Specifically we want first to focus on improvements to existing signage relating to access limitation for Garden Walk ("Access Only" / "No Entry Except Bikes"). Our street is prohibited to vehicular traffic except for access (signed at Bateson road and 'No entry' to cars at Victoria Road), and is two-way for traffic. The residents believe that poor visibility and neglect of the signage and road markings has led to many hazardous encounters in our narrow road: Drivers and cyclists often become very aggravated as poor signage leads each party to believe the other is in the wrong. There have also been crashes involving vehicles. Children attending two schools and a nursery use Garden Walk in great numbers as pedestrians and cyclists. We believe that the suggested improvements will make a significant contribution to improve the safety and amenity for all.

I would be grateful to hear suggestions for the meeting time, and how these issues could be taken forward,

Many thanks to Paul @41 who has had the steady hand to see this through!

Please continue to post suggestions and comments for the meeting on this site, or to Paul. The meeting time will be posted here when it is arranged.

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