ate on our
community project
What is the Bateson Green community project?
Bateson Green is the small park at the interchange of Garden Walk and Bateson Road. It has been left in a bad state for a long time and few of the neighbours decided that it is time for us to do something about it. Over the last three months, the neighbours of Bateson Road and Garden Walk have come together through community meetings and gatherings and now we are putting together a funding application to secure Council support for this project. We believe that once Bateson Green is made a great place, the wider community will enjoy it. We hope that you will support this community effort.
Bateson Green is the small park at the interchange of Garden Walk and Bateson Road. It has been left in a bad state for a long time and few of the neighbours decided that it is time for us to do something about it. Over the last three months, the neighbours of Bateson Road and Garden Walk have come together through community meetings and gatherings and now we are putting together a funding application to secure Council support for this project. We believe that once Bateson Green is made a great place, the wider community will enjoy it. We hope that you will support this community effort.
What’s new on Bateson Green project?
We have compiled all of community feedback and put that into
a funding application to the City Council, called S106.
The S106 funding application states that we want Bateson
Green to become a better place for the whole community
S106 funding
has been
• We have made requests for tree planting, new benches, new fences, new play equipment,
but avoided requesting items where you raised concerns such as ball games (we have asked
for a table tennis instead).
I have more ideas on how we can improve Bateson Green, is the S106 application final?
I have more ideas on how we can improve Bateson Green, is the S106 application final?
The submitted S106 application is providing the City Council with our intention
to use Bateson Green as a space for the whole neighbourhood to get-together
The design of the improved works is not finalised. If our S106 application is
successful, the City Council will have to do a design of the improvement works
During that stage, another round of community consultation will be
undertaken to decide on things like which play equipment we want for example
Hence, there is still time to share your ideas. Keep those coming!
So the City Council will fund the refurbishment
of Bateson Green after all?
Works will happen only if the S106 funding application is successful. To increase our chances of getting the funds, we all need to support our application. You can do this by:
Works will happen only if the S106 funding application is successful. To increase our chances of getting the funds, we all need to support our application. You can do this by:
Talk to our City Councillors to drum up support
Come at the meeting where funding will be decided:
19th of November at Chesterton Community College
Let’s join forces
to support
the funding
application Thursday 19th of November at 6:00 pm Chesterton Community Co
the funding
application Thursday 19th of November at 6:00 pm Chesterton Community Co
Bateson Green Survey Report
Some of the residents around Bateson Green feel that, with a little effort and coordination,
the shared Green area can be made even better. But improvements should be based on
what local residents want; and a concerted effort makes achievement of those goals more
likely. So some of the residents have designed a simple questionnaire, and distributed it in
August. A copy went to each occupied house in Bateson Road (54) plus the houses nearest
Bateson Road in Garden Walk (24). At the time of writing, 17 completed questionnaires
have been returned (15 from BR). This report includes the findings to date; for more
information, please email
All respondents were in favour of smarter railings and posts, and of providing more street lighting to minimise illegal activity. Almost everyone was in favour of planting some trees, providing more play equipment, and a dog bin. A clear majority wanted some shrubs and bushes, and better road surface and drainage. Other comments included:
All respondents were in favour of smarter railings and posts, and of providing more street lighting to minimise illegal activity. Almost everyone was in favour of planting some trees, providing more play equipment, and a dog bin. A clear majority wanted some shrubs and bushes, and better road surface and drainage. Other comments included:
Trees need protecting from vandalism; could signs, cameras or community action
The Green should be more family-friendly, a safe play area for small children
Play equipment could include swings, a climbing wall, a zip wire, a skateboard ramp,
a see saw and/or a slide. Improving the play area, for example replacing the wood
chips with a rubber mat, and adding more benches, would be good
A majority thought ball games should be allowed under some circumstances, although some of these do not live immediately on the Green (so their windows would be less at risk). Ideally, only young children would be allowed to play football, but in practice, that is difficult to enforce; perhaps it is simpler to have a 'No ball games' sign and enforce it selectively. About half thought it would be good to set a timeslot when ballgames are allowed, and there was some support for specific games (e.g. with a basketball hoop). Some were strongly in support of football on the Green, perhaps with a high fence around the outside to stop the balls from going in the road.
Most respondents are keen to help with planting and watering, and to make a donation in the range £10-50. 11 were interested to join a neighbourhood association. For the individual responses, please see below.
Detailed findings
Out of 5 – in general how do you rate Bateson Green?
Very poor: 5 Poor: 6 Acceptable: 2 Good: 2 Excellent: 0
What changes should we aim for?
Some shrubs and bushes Yes: 12
No: 4
17th September 2015
A refurbishment of Bateson Green is long overdue and we welcome the idea that the
residents of this area have the opportunity to make living here a better experience.
In the past, young trees have been vandalised. It would be good if we could make it
obvious (with a sign?) that it is a local residents' / community project
A picnic bench close to the street light would be great. Consider 'wind-proof' garbage
bins to minimise littering. Keep the mount in order for kids to roll, play, hide, climb. If
we encourage 'big kids' ball games, we'll get the high school in front of our garden!
Suggested to Labour candidate pre-election that the Council tree-line Bateson Road, like
Akeman St and Gilbert Rd. Definitely calms people and improves neighbourhood.
Pavements are poor, and dog droppings are not taken away.
The Council were at the Park a month or so ago and my son was talking to them as they
were there to plan park improvements, so I think something will happen anyway. They
need to bring Chypps back also as the kids here need something.
Very important Bateson Green remains an undeveloped green space for communal use
and not sold off for development. Plan very good. Too many large trees would darken
view, small trees good. Also, small trees would not overhang car parking (obstruction,
bird poo etc.)
In general, curb on noise nuisance e.g. radio playing outdoors
The Council should be asking people if they need help with their gardens. Maybe that
cannot do it themselves. Or they may not feel part of the community. If everyone gave a
plant or some bulbs to the project, it would help us feel part of the whole.
The current toddler play area has too few equipment. It needs more swings, slides etc.
There isn't anything for bigger kids (5-15) to play on / with. The basketball hoop is a
great start but more is needed. Climbing frame, large slide, zip line, obstacle course etc.
My suggestion would be to flatten the low mound and make the grass area a usable
space for ball games. Football pitch with goals, volleyball nets, table tennis etc. While the
wildflower meadow will certainly improve the appearance of the Green, I would prefer
this space be used for equipment or place that kids could play. What about a skate park
(like the one on Jesus Green)?
Table tennis which is very popular with both children and adults
May be wise to contact the school to let them know about the proposal and any
associated [??] Benches; youth organisers / club needed
The play area can do with some new soft ground cover. Perhaps just more bark since
rubberised surfaces can be expensive. New plants and equipment are always tempting
to vandals. Perhaps an inexpensive cctv system could help protect the park from illegal
activity and vandalism. I'm not suggesting 'big brother' style spying, perhaps even just a
fake camera with a warning sign?
A bump on the road in order to reduce the speed of some cars
Turn existing play area into football pitch and basketball area. Use some green space for
toddler area, and benches (see plan below)
Bateson Rd/Garden Walk residents: Andrew (73 Bateson Rd), Giorgis (53 Bateson Rd), Vicky (55
Bateson Rd), Michele (5 Bateson Rd), William (2 Bateson Rd), Jeanine (1 Bateson Rd), Neil (18
Bateson Rd), Boris (99 Garden Walk), Anna (96 Garden Walk), Jim (65 Bateson Rd)
Also present: Ysanne (Councillor for West Chesterton), Lakshmi (visitor)
Introduction: The meeting is an opportunity to discuss the ideas from the resident-survey on how to make Bateson Green better and a chance to get more involved in making them happen. Deadlines for possible sources of funding are approaching.
Outcomes of the survey
Also present: Ysanne (Councillor for West Chesterton), Lakshmi (visitor)
Introduction: The meeting is an opportunity to discuss the ideas from the resident-survey on how to make Bateson Green better and a chance to get more involved in making them happen. Deadlines for possible sources of funding are approaching.
Outcomes of the survey
Everyone would like to improve the environment of Bateson Green and the road leading up to it.
- Trees have been vandalised and destroyed around the Green.
- The playpark area needs to be made more acceptable for children - “a safer surface and
more hygienic” - Andrew.
- Families want to feel more secure – “I don’t want to see people smoking, drinking” – Giorgis.
Better lighting
- Unpleasant to have a bench that faces the bin -
- Road Safety: Entry to Bateson Road is dangerous. Cars come down and speed round the
corner. The road itself could be slowed down by planting some trees (or a more ambitious scheme, see below)
- Trees have been vandalised and destroyed around the Green.
There is enough structured support to apply for funding from the City Council (for Bateson
Green improvements) and the County Council (for trees on the roads, road-safety measures and
lighting improvement)
Information required before we can apply for funding
Ysanne suggested making some top-level decisions about what we want and budgeting for it. Then engage more of the community on the details i.e. what play equipment we might want for the play- park
*Do we want the Green to be a place for the whole community or just young families?
The consensus is that the Green should function for the whole community including teenagers. The
A better play park (4-9years). Safe, secure, enjoyable, 5 items of play equipment perhaps a
roundabout, kite-marked, spec’d to EU standards. Ysanne recommended seeing what we
thought of Perse Park playpark.
An open area for kids to run around. Research suggests this is important for kids.
Benches, perhaps a round table, BBQ pit
Activities for all-ages e.g. Table-tennis/petanque/basketball hoop
V. 28th September 2015
Do we want trees on Bateson Green itself and low shrubs around the fence?
Yes as long as they do not create dark spots. Trees should either be apart or in bunches in the corners.
Do we want to supply and plant trees and vegetation for Bateson Green ourselves?
Let’s apply for funding and see if there is a shortfall. Advantage of the city council providing trees, railings, solar bollards is that they would take responsibility for looking after it. However there are alternatives; Chesterton Community College (CCC) could send students from the school to help plant trees. Some residents are willing to do maintenance.
Roughly how much are the costs for the improvements we’re proposing for Bateson Green?
£1k for trees (seedlings), bench £1k each, fencing £15k, new bin = free, new surface = £8k, new swings £1500. Neil – to supply a lighting design for the application with an estimate.
Are we agreed that we need extra lighting around Bateson Green?
Yes, but only in one corner of Bateson Rd near 65 that “has been deprived of lighting” since the light was removed. Putting in new lighting in an area gives the message that people care and could deter would-be criminals. “On the corner where I live (Garden walk and Bateson rd) it’s only a question of time before someone gets hurt.“ Neil is also looking to get centrally mounted lighting in the middle of the green which will look good and shed light.
Do we want trees to line Bateson Rd?
Some of us would love to see more trees but they “need to be modest” so they don’t darken the houses. Wild cherry are a possibility. Carolyn, ex-resident and horticulturalist, might know which trees. There’s some debate about vandalism. In the past trees have been destroyed. One idea is to put thorny shrubs around them, another is to confront anyone who is damaging them.
Sources of funding for:
a) Bateson Green vegetation, play-park, railings, archway etc
S106 funding from the city council is available for improvements to community facilities, includes trees, other vegetation, play park equipment, railings etc
Money available: Unknown but the indication is that there is some. Awarding it is at the discretion of councillors. It comes from a “pot” made up of a property-developers “contributions” to the city council when they create a new build.
Process: By written application. Deadline mid-October. An outline application has already been submitted which now needs to be updated and finalised. Conversations suggest we’re pushing at an “open door”.
Also Woodland Trust but this would require planting and maintenance by residents.
b) Lighting and road safety near Bateson Green
Local Highway Improvement Initiative (LHI) funding is available from the county council for street- lighting, road-safety. Money available: 10K max
Conditions: 10% of capital and maintenance to come from residents or elsewhere i.e. £200 contribution for lamppost, £1,500 down payment for maintenance. Would the City Council be willing to contribute either or both of those?
Process: Written application early November or sooner. Verbal presentation /defence of the case on 19 November. Approx 8 projects from highways initiative can be accepted. There are already some that are likely to go through. Flag it quickly.
Yes as long as they do not create dark spots. Trees should either be apart or in bunches in the corners.
Do we want to supply and plant trees and vegetation for Bateson Green ourselves?
Let’s apply for funding and see if there is a shortfall. Advantage of the city council providing trees, railings, solar bollards is that they would take responsibility for looking after it. However there are alternatives; Chesterton Community College (CCC) could send students from the school to help plant trees. Some residents are willing to do maintenance.
Roughly how much are the costs for the improvements we’re proposing for Bateson Green?
£1k for trees (seedlings), bench £1k each, fencing £15k, new bin = free, new surface = £8k, new swings £1500. Neil – to supply a lighting design for the application with an estimate.
Are we agreed that we need extra lighting around Bateson Green?
Yes, but only in one corner of Bateson Rd near 65 that “has been deprived of lighting” since the light was removed. Putting in new lighting in an area gives the message that people care and could deter would-be criminals. “On the corner where I live (Garden walk and Bateson rd) it’s only a question of time before someone gets hurt.“ Neil is also looking to get centrally mounted lighting in the middle of the green which will look good and shed light.
Do we want trees to line Bateson Rd?
Some of us would love to see more trees but they “need to be modest” so they don’t darken the houses. Wild cherry are a possibility. Carolyn, ex-resident and horticulturalist, might know which trees. There’s some debate about vandalism. In the past trees have been destroyed. One idea is to put thorny shrubs around them, another is to confront anyone who is damaging them.
Sources of funding for:
a) Bateson Green vegetation, play-park, railings, archway etc
S106 funding from the city council is available for improvements to community facilities, includes trees, other vegetation, play park equipment, railings etc
Money available: Unknown but the indication is that there is some. Awarding it is at the discretion of councillors. It comes from a “pot” made up of a property-developers “contributions” to the city council when they create a new build.
Process: By written application. Deadline mid-October. An outline application has already been submitted which now needs to be updated and finalised. Conversations suggest we’re pushing at an “open door”.
Also Woodland Trust but this would require planting and maintenance by residents.
b) Lighting and road safety near Bateson Green
Local Highway Improvement Initiative (LHI) funding is available from the county council for street- lighting, road-safety. Money available: 10K max
Conditions: 10% of capital and maintenance to come from residents or elsewhere i.e. £200 contribution for lamppost, £1,500 down payment for maintenance. Would the City Council be willing to contribute either or both of those?
Process: Written application early November or sooner. Verbal presentation /defence of the case on 19 November. Approx 8 projects from highways initiative can be accepted. There are already some that are likely to go through. Flag it quickly.
c) Trees to line Bateson Road
Environmental improvement programme (eip)
Money available: £5K max. Process: written application. Deadline unknown
Getting involved more
Residents at the meeting would like to be involved in the decisions and lend support by attending informal gatherings etc.
Comms: . Use email to keep informed.
Next steps.
Environmental improvement programme (eip)
Money available: £5K max. Process: written application. Deadline unknown
Getting involved more
Residents at the meeting would like to be involved in the decisions and lend support by attending informal gatherings etc.
Comms: . Use email to keep informed.
Next steps.
Review meeting notes and return questions/comments, Thu 1 Oct 2015
Draft three applications (S106, LHI, EIP) for funding based on discussions so far (Giorgis)
November newsletter: early Nov. Anna to distribute?
Attend North Area Committee meeting at CCC, potentially on all funding ideas, all, 19 Nov
Set up meetings once or twice a month at Akeman Street Community Centre: Anna (You have to
book it and pay for it and go through an induction)
More details about the funding
Advice from Ysanne on making an application for S106 funding
Have a strategic view of what the space is going to be used for i.e. is it for the whole
community or just for families with young kids so the playpark. Councillors will want to
Be specific e.g. a playpark, actually chess-board, an all-inclusive community is different from
a play-park. The councillors will interrogate this.
How much money is awarded is up to the council and what value they think the project has
i.e. how many people will benefit.
Other issues
Ball games
A resident who was not able to make the meeting sent a letter explaining that there was a petition in the past to stop ball games because of the damage they’d caused e.g. broken windows and the intrusion of people going into gardens to get balls was upsetting for some. Do we want to have a fixed rule about ball games and have the sign up?
Dog bin
Although the new dog-bin is an improvement it needs to be moved to the outskirts of the green.
Dropped curve for wheel-chair users
This seems to go straight into the bins so technically it needs to be addressed.
Security point of view this is dangerous
Ideas to find out what the community want from the space
Have a strategic view of what the space is going to be used for i.e. is it for the whole
community or just for families with young kids so the playpark. Councillors will want to
Other initiatives
New neighbourhood watch scheme where residents come together to discuss various issues including any deviant behaviour. It’s linked to the police. It’s not citizen patrol. Neil’s paid for two signs to go up. Contacted Balfour Beatty to put up the signs. Getting stickers to go round to every house with.
It’s for Bateson Rd. Garden Walk has its own scheme.
Security lighting on homes – Neil has a contact of a local electrician.
Out-of-the-box ideas
Remove one of the two exits on Bateson Rd so the Green would go up to the houses on one of the sides (idea from Andy Preston at the county council) . Then you can increase the size of the green. Reducing the exits would slow down traffic. You’d still need to find the same number of parking spaces but you can make it so they park in different way.
Giorgis – if we go down this path it requires much more discussion. Let’s improve the situation now. This triggers much more detailed consultation.
New neighbourhood watch scheme where residents come together to discuss various issues including any deviant behaviour. It’s linked to the police. It’s not citizen patrol. Neil’s paid for two signs to go up. Contacted Balfour Beatty to put up the signs. Getting stickers to go round to every house with.
It’s for Bateson Rd. Garden Walk has its own scheme.
Security lighting on homes – Neil has a contact of a local electrician.
Out-of-the-box ideas
Remove one of the two exits on Bateson Rd so the Green would go up to the houses on one of the sides (idea from Andy Preston at the county council) . Then you can increase the size of the green. Reducing the exits would slow down traffic. You’d still need to find the same number of parking spaces but you can make it so they park in different way.
Giorgis – if we go down this path it requires much more discussion. Let’s improve the situation now. This triggers much more detailed consultation.
Bateson Green
2-4 pm Saturday
19 September
19 September
Dear Neighbours,
A huge 'Thank you' to all those who completed a questionnaire about making Bateson Green better - we greatly appreciate the feedback!
You will be pleased to learn that there will be a bring-your-own picnic on the Green, Saturday 19th September from 2pm - 4pm, to give residents the opportunity to hear the results of the returned questionnaires. It's also another chance to be heard and get involved.
We are hoping for sun, but if it does decide to rain, feel free to bring a gazebo if you have one.
For any urgent comments, please email us on and we hope to see you on Saturday 19th September!
Jim, Giorgis, Claudia, Dan, Neil
A huge 'Thank you' to all those who completed a questionnaire about making Bateson Green better - we greatly appreciate the feedback!
You will be pleased to learn that there will be a bring-your-own picnic on the Green, Saturday 19th September from 2pm - 4pm, to give residents the opportunity to hear the results of the returned questionnaires. It's also another chance to be heard and get involved.
We are hoping for sun, but if it does decide to rain, feel free to bring a gazebo if you have one.
For any urgent comments, please email us on and we hope to see you on Saturday 19th September!
Jim, Giorgis, Claudia, Dan, Neil
Let’s make
Bateson Green
Time to design a Great Bateson Green!
What happened last Saturday?
Thanks to all of you who replied to the questionnaire and all those who came to the picnic last Saturday. It was a most successful gathering with more than 50 residents from Bateson Road and Garden Walk coming together to discuss the results of the questionnaire and speak to the 3 Councillors who joined us. The weather was great too, transforming Bateson Green into a great playground for children of all ages; as it should be!
What is happening next?
We need to make some choices on what we want to see on Bateson Green as we need to submit our applications to the City and County Councils. For that purpose we are getting together this coming Saturday 26th September in the Ramsey Hall of St Luke’s Church at 2:30 pm.
What are we going to talk about on Saturday?
The proposed talking points at the meeting are based on your responses in the questionnaires:
What happened last Saturday?
Thanks to all of you who replied to the questionnaire and all those who came to the picnic last Saturday. It was a most successful gathering with more than 50 residents from Bateson Road and Garden Walk coming together to discuss the results of the questionnaire and speak to the 3 Councillors who joined us. The weather was great too, transforming Bateson Green into a great playground for children of all ages; as it should be!
What is happening next?
We need to make some choices on what we want to see on Bateson Green as we need to submit our applications to the City and County Councils. For that purpose we are getting together this coming Saturday 26th September in the Ramsey Hall of St Luke’s Church at 2:30 pm.
What are we going to talk about on Saturday?
The proposed talking points at the meeting are based on your responses in the questionnaires:
Safety (policing, signs, lighting on the Green)
Trees, shrubs, flowers, railings, archway
Play equipment, play area, ball games
Timing, costs, next steps, possible association
What can we do, what can’t we do? What is allowed, who does what?
We look forward to seeing you there, and hope that some of our Councillors will be able to join us in person. Entry by the small side door in Harvey Goodwin. For more information, please email
Jim, Andrew, Neil, Giorgis, Dan.30-4.30 in Ramsey Hall*, St. Luke's Church, Victoria Rd/Harvey Goodwin Ave.
Councillors Ysanne
Austin and Jocelynne
Scutt addressing the
gathering (Councillor
Damien Tunnacliffe
also was present earlier
in the day)
September 2015
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