Garden Walk Residents
Notes of Annual General Meeting
27 November 2017
At NCI Committee Room, Holland
Street, Cambridge, 7.45pm
Residents: Paul Dupree,
Deborah Latham, Alison Blair, Christine Outhwaite, Natalie Shale, Paola White,
Martin and Paula Bishop, George Hutchins, Githa St John-Ives, Kathy Ritchie
Councillors: Claire Richards
(County Councillor), Mike Sargeant (City Councillor)
Apologies – Heather Richardson
1.0 Introductions
2.0 Notes of Last Meeting – these were agreed.
3.0 Our
last year's activities
had been made with various issues including: ASB, Residents Parking proposal,
signage saying Access Only, and involving the County Council Highways Officers
in planning to improve the junction of Bateson Road and Garden Walk.
Street Party had been held in good weather in June and many residents had
attended and enjoyed the event.
4.0 Our
current work:
4.1 GWRA
continues to work with our County Councillor Claire Richards and City
Councillor Mike Sargent on a Residents Parking scheme.
4.1.1 Residents
Parking is part of a Citywide initiative to reduce air pollution and vehicle congestion
as well as improve convenience for residents. Victoria zone would be part of
the first set of zones. The Park and
Ride fee has been reduced, so now only a charge for the bus ride into the City,
which it is hoped will help to encourage people out of their cars and put less
pressure on City streets for parking.
Residents Parking zones are a major part of the effort to reduce cars
coming into the City and improve the environment for residents.
4.1.2 Claire
ran through the parking proposals. Mike
and Claire to try to obtain clarity on H bars and how enforceable they are, and
to seek further detail on trades vehicles.
Carer’s Permits are free and residents requiring carers to visit will
just need to get a signature from their GP as evidence. ‘City Deal’ funding will pay for the set up
costs for a Residents Parking Scheme (normally the costs would have been
included in the Permit fees to residents).
The scheme would have to be self supporting. The Council will simply cover the costs of
the parking enforcement (it won’t make money for the Council). We would be advised to have the same timing
as Castle Residents Parking scheme over the road, i.e. 9am to 6pm.
4.1.3 The
timeframe for implementing the scheme should residents in the Victoria zone area
votes for it (Victoria Zone is currently from Corona Road up to and including
Garden Walk) would be around 9 months, as there would be a period of statutory
consultation with residents and the Highways Authority. If there is not a majority vote by residents
in the zone, the scheme would not be able to go ahead.
4.2 ‘Access
Only’ signage and enforcement: Claire
reported on Access only signs - one will be positioned opposite the other to
enable enforcement and Police powers if there was any accident there.
of Bateson Road and Garden Walk: Claire
reported on efforts being made to make the road junction at the north end of
Garden Walk safer, the main problem being that vehicles cut the corner to turn
into Garden Walk from Bateson Road and may meet cyclists coming the other way.
Bid for cost of works is in this financial year (Local Highways
Initiative money). To stop vehicles parking near the junction, yellow
lines will be added. No further consultation with residents is necessary.
Claire showed a plan of the proposed improvement. Residents
welcomed the news.
4.4 Claire
also noted there is a grant for Environmental Improvements. Grant may be
available for up to £10,000 per scheme. Garden Walk has a long stretch of
very uneven paving bricks and kerb stones which are trip hazards mainly in the
southern half of Garden Walk. The substandard pavements mean that people
often walk up the middle of the road instead of the pavements, which is also
dangerous. Deborah will discuss further with Claire how we could initiate
a bid for grant to make improvements.
Views about what to do in 2018
5.1 Campaign for pavement repairs.
5.2 Push
for reinstatement of the missing street light, and to the Resident Parking
works if this is approved. (There is a stretch of the street which is very dark
between around 23 to 37.
5.3 Investigate having an electric charging point for cars.
5.4 Investigate
speed restrictions - the County Council has moved away from putting in road
humps, so what else could be done?
6.0 Supported
housing issues had improved and there had been a noticeable decrease in
anti-social behaviour since Sanctuary Care and Support had taken over delivery
of the care and support service.
Sanctuary Care and Support Manager will be invited to the next GWRA committee
meeting for an update on progress with their review of supported housing for
people with a mental health need.
7.0 Committee
Membership and Officer Elections
7.1 Officers were elected for the next 12 months as follows:
Treasurer: Alison
and Githa nominated Mike Gatford. Mike was voted in as Treasurer
Christine and Paul nominated Deborah Latham.
Deborah was voted in as Secretary.
Deborah and Paola nominated Paul Dupree. Paul was voted in as Chair.
Githa became an addirtional member of the Committee. No existing members resigned.
8. Any
Other Business
8.1 Idea
that 38-44 could reduce front garden to make way for ambulance parking. This idea would be raised with the Service
Manager at the next GWRA meeting.
8.2 The
meeting discussed the idea of a logo for the GWRA and Alison will pursue
creating one for discussion at the next meeting.
Date of next Committee Meeting
Monday 12 March 2018 at 7.45pm. Venue to be confirmed (Paul or Alison’s).
Garden Walk Residents Association (GWRA)
Meeting on
September 2017 at 36 Garden Walk
Attendees: Paul, Deborah, Liz, Rob,
Christine, Helene, Natalie, Alison, Audrey, Mike, Claire Richards (County
Councillor Castle Ward), Kate Shaw (Sanctuary Acting Area Manager), Philippa
Gordon-Smith (Service Manager at Garden Walk Mental Health Supported Housing),
Jo Flaherty (Sanctuary Care and Support).
1. Apologies – Githa, Heather, Karina
2. Notes of Last
Meeting – agreed
3. Matters Arising
Rubbish at Michaelmas Place had been removed and there
seemed to be a regular collection now in place.
Drugs Graffiti on the gable end wall of 146 Victoria Road
had been painted out by the landlord after the City Council refused to do it
unless it was paid for by the landlord (£500).
Squatters at Michaelmas Place had been evicted.
3. ASB and Supported Housing
Philippa and Kate confirmed that ASB is treated in a robust
way and is viewed as unacceptable. GWRA
residents raised the point that with the clients living at the supported
housing it may not always be unavoidable and that it is critical to ensure that
behaviour is manged effectively.
The County Council support service commissioner is
supporting a review by Sanctuary, which recently won the tender to provide
mental health support services, of both Garden Walk mental health supported
housing services, with a view to reducing the pressure on the street of so many
higher needs people. Sanctuary would be
looking at the staff structure and level of need of people supported. This would include looking at the assessment
criteria, and move on pathways to housing elsewhere, possibly lowering the
level of need of people at the supported housing, higher staffing levels,
including two waking night staff. The
review and changes may take up to a year to complete. Sanctuary is working closely with the County
Council. Sanctuary would like to work with residents via GWRA to ensure they
are consulted about any proposals and an ongoing dialogue is maintained. All agreed that consultation is welcome and were
pleased to hear that the night cover was being improved.
Concerns that drug dealers may be targeting mental health
support service users was raised. Philippa
noted that her staff team is in regular contact with the Police, attend the
Drug and Alcohol local meetings. Sanctuary reiterated that they wish to see a
move on strategy in place for people unsuited to living at Garden Walk
supported housing.
It was noted that the involvement of some supported housing
residents in the annual Garden Walk Street Party was positive. Committee members said it would be helpful to
understand the support service specification and emphasised the point that
residents simply wanted there to be a positive relationship between residents
living both at the supported housing and along the street, without any ASB
issues. 38-44 Garden Walk has an open
door policy for residents living along the street, and any resident wishing to
pop in should go to the staff office to speak to staff.
The meeting discussed the procedure to be followed when
there is an issue with ASB. Sanctuary
would like us to ring the office to tell staff, and if there is an issue with
safety or threats then do not hesitate to ring the Police first.
If there is an issue which is reported but remains
unresolved, then it was agreed that residents should contact Kate or Jo. Sanctuary would send us the list of telephone
contact numbers. (Post meeting note:
this has been circulated by email by Philippa.)
Claire would like to be copied into any correspondence about issues in
order to remain informed:
It was agreed that Sanctuary (Philippa, Kate/Jo) would
attend future GWRA committee meetings and provide updates on their review work. Philippa, Kate and Jo were thanked for
attending the meeting, and then they left.
4. Update on idea of Residents Only Parking Scheme
for the street
Several committee members had recently attended a meeting
with Claire Richards and the County Council Parking Manager and technical
officers, to look at initial plans for a residents parking scheme for
‘Victoria’ area (Corona Road up to and including Garden Walk and the north side
of Victoria Road). This looked promising
although there are a few issues for the very narrow streets (Greens Road and
Primrose Street). The initial plan for
Garden Walk could be adjusted to include more parking spaces. There would
be further meetings to resolve space issues on Greens Road and Primrose Street,
which Deborah would continue to attend.
There would also be a public meeting and exhibition showing the options
for the scheme. It seemed likely that
there then would be a formal consultation about the proposal once further
adjustments had been made to the draft plans, in the new year. The proposed scheme would eliminate the major
issues with commuter parking, and encourage more people not to drive into
Cambridge but use public transport, so reducing traffic on the roads and air
5. Police
enforcement of Access Only status and speed restriction at Garden Walk
The informal survey resident conducted last December had
asked if residents thought there was a problem with speeding on the street and
almost all respondents to this question said 'yes'. There are now 2 x
signs near the entrance to Bateson Road (one of these is before the crossroads
and facing north along Stretten Avenue). Sergeant Misik at the North Area
Team had been written to by GWRA to request enforcement action, but no-one has
seen any Police presence.
It was suggested we have a ‘Speedwatch’ campaign and work
with the Police. Deborah would talk to
Karina about this as she was looking at doing something along these lines on
Victoria Road, where vehicles are normally exceeding the 20mph limit.
The turning into Garden Walk form Bateson Road was
discussed, as vehicles tend to cut the corner, which is dangerous for oncoming
cyclists/traffic. Antony (technical officer) is drawing plans for the
road layout to discourage corner cutting.
Claire mentioned that signage could possibly be improved through the
Local Highways Initiative. Claire is
pushing for an improved road junction.
6. Publicising GWRA
and enabling residents to have their say
It was agreed that a leaflet would be posted to all
households along the street to say there is the GWRA and if they would like to
get in touch about anything then to email the address, and any matters raised in
this way would be included in the subsequent GWRA committee meeting. The Committee is keen to ensure that
residents are aware of GWRA and the channel for communicating. We would send this leaflet out when
advertising the next AGM (27 November).
Rob kindly volunteered to distribute the leaflets two weeks before the
AGM date..
7. Any other business
The Committee thanked Heather who had raised a further £30
as proceeds from her booklet: ‘A Little History of Garden Walk’. Mike (GWRA Treasurer) agreed to create a
savings account for GWRA and pay the cheque into it. The money would be very useful for any future
hall hire fees.
Having GWRA logo was mentioned and Alison would arrange for
some drafts for circulation (email) discussion.
Karina had devised one that looked like a street sign and is on the GWRA
Deborah would produce the leaflet for the AGM.
8. Date of next
Monday 27 November (Annual General Meeting) at 7.45pm.
Venue to be arranged.
Deborah to try for the NCI hall on Holland Street. Deborah would confirm the meeting venue once
5 June 2017 at 99 Garden
Present: Consuela, Stefan, Paul, Helene, Alison,
Mike, Audrey, Josh, Paola, Githa, Natalie, Christine, Liz, Boris.
1. Apologies: Deborah, Cnlr. Clare Richards (Castle Ward).
Note: Consuela to be added to mailing list and
mailing list to be revised
2. Notes of
the last meeting – agreed
3. Matters
i) Rubbish. Shelter for industrial waste
bins being constructed in Michaelmas Place.
No more
rats seen.
ii) Bateson
Road play area. New trees have been
4. Residents’
Parking, street access
We have been informed by Nicola Gardner (Cambridgeshire
County Council) that preparations are underway for the formal consultation following
the initial informal survey that found substantial support for a residents
parking scheme.
The plans for consultation on a local scheme are going
forward independent of the City Deal which may enforce residents’ parking
throughout the city.
No resolution on the proposed yellow lines at the Bateson
road junction end of the street (not
gone to consultation, although some suggestions have been made) nor police
enforcement of the ‘access only’ sign nor
speed restrictions. The Police had not yet responded to multiple communications
from the GWRA requesting monitoring of the speeding traffic, and requesting a
view on the adequacy of the signage for enforcement of the Access Only Traffic
Regulation Order of Bateson Road and Garden Walk.
5. ASB
A resident of Michaelmas Place reported that squatters had occupied an empty
flat. The resident had also reported
several drug related incidents to Metropolitan Housing Association that runs
the housing, and had been told to notify police. It was considered unacceptable by many at the
meeting that Metropolitan rely on residents to report such issues to the police.
P.C. Luke Upcott is now our contact on drugs matters.
Bateson Road residents had been advised that any ASB
incidents witnessed should be reported to the police on the 101 non-emergency
number or by email to Sufficient volume of
complaints may lead to cameras, and lighting being installed in the street, and
would allow greater police presence. Although some residents felt it
inappropriate to generate additional work for the police through reporting of
what might be a large number of incidents, it was agreed that residents should
inform the police of incidents to encourage better policing of the street and
hence reduction in ASB.
There are three issues identified surrounding the
recent extreme anti-social behaviour in Garden Walk associated with
Metropolitan housing:
1. The behaviour of one particular tenant
2. Metropolitan’s choice of tenants
3. The care provided for the tenants, and lack of monitoring of their
The issue was discussed at length with several shocking examples of recent
incidents. The behaviour of one tenant is extreme, and has caused distress to
several residents and families of neighbouring properties. Despite residents’ reports to Metropolitan and
the police nothing appears yet to be done by Metropolitan. It is of concern for the well-being of Garden
Walk residents, especially children who might be exposed to him, and the tenant
himself. The tenant has a tenancy with
Metropolitan which means that a legal process has to be followed to obtain
possession of his room, unless the mental health authority and Metropolitan can
find him somewhere suitable to move to.
To resolve the immediate tenant issue, it was decided that the police
should be informed of each incident. Metropolitan had also advised that
reporting incidents to the police helps them in terminating tenancies.
Tenants are placed in the house by agreement of Metropolitan and the
mental health accommodation forum which is attended by professionals including
from CPFT (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust) makes decisions
about the allocation of accommodation.
To address the question of inappropriate referral, it was agreed that GWRA
contact CPFT and write to Metropolitan managers
on the issue, pointing out that the tenants have become more seriously
disturbed in recent years and that this is not an appropriate location, especially
given the number of schools and families in the area.
To address the issue of inadequate care/support and oversight of the
tenants, it was agreed that the unsatisfactory situation should be explained in
a letter to Metropolitan management, and also that a second letter is sent to
the County Council who commission Metropolitan to provide the care. The
deficiencies in current provision would be raised, such as the inability of the
staff to monitor incidents on the street, requiring neighbours to call the
staff regularly.
Finally, it was suggested that GWRA request a meeting with the County Council,
Metropolitan and a representative of CPFT to discuss several issues including
referral from Fulbourn and moving people on when their placement has not worked
Darrell McMurray is the area manager at
Metropolitan and his email address is
6. Graffiti at Victoria Road end of the Walk.
Discussed but no resolution arrived at. The GWRA
had assisted the council in getting landlord approval for removal of the
graffiti. Post meeting note: graffiti
painted out by landlord. City Council
had refused to remove for free, though had done so for the past two decades.
7. Reimbursement
for GWRA annual meeting venue hire.
Approved that the costs would be covered by income
from the Street Party.
8. Street
Party, 17 June 2017.
Githa reported on the party arrangements. Road will be closed from 10am-7pm to allow
longer period of street use, games and party.
Residents will be requested to move cars from the area of the party. Notices to be put on cars (Githa). Stefan will put up the bunting. Request for
more plates and more food! Second
leaflet about party to be delivered (Githa).
Audrey will do lucky dip. Helene
is providing the tea urn. Karina will be doing name badges. Christine and
Alison plants and books. Heather to be
contacted about sweets in a jar. It would be good if we could have some live
9. AOB.
· Many households had received a note from the City Council about
‘unruly’ hedges.
· Githa has records of the Residents Association since 1983. Heather might
be interested in seeing them, as a resident interested in street history.
· Mike agreed to create a generic email for reporting issues on GW. (Post meeting note: there is an email address
for GWRA:
· Blog. Has it been kept up to date.
If so address could be put on flyer for street party.
Date of
next meeting.
Monday 11th September at Mike and
Audrey’s, number 36 at 7.45pm
Garden Walk Residents Association (GWRA)
Meeting on
27 March 2017 at 46 Garden Walk
Attendees: Paul, Deborah, Liz, Rob, Christine, Heather, Helene, Jim (Bateson Rd), Natalie, Githa, Alison
1. Apologies - Paola
2. Notes of Last Meeting - agreed
3. Update on Residents Only Parking for the street
Deborah reported on latest situation which was that an informal survey of opinion had been conducted by volunteers at Garden Walk, and Victoria Park, Primrose Street, Greens Road and Corona Road, to find out what residents think about Residents Parking. The County Council had been in touch about this informal survey and had advised on the questions to ask. Several of us had door knocked in December 2016 and a google survey had been sent to households where we have an email address. For all remaining households that had not returned a survey form, a copy was posted through each door with a request to complete as much as possible and return to number 53 by Friday 31st March at the latest.
Points were made as follows:
- Would we be expected to have a % of public parking spaces
- We need enough space for emergency vehicles to drive down Garden Walk
- Bateson Road appears not to have a parking problem
Post meeting note: we received 57 responses in total on Garden Walk, of which 3 said 'yes' on balance to residents parking, and 5 said they would like more information and 9 said 'no' on balance. The information was passed to the County Council Parking Manager and to Jocelynne Scutt our County Councillor, along with results from the other four streets. They will be taking the next step, which is understood to be a formal survey with more information about Residents Parking.
The informal survey had asked whether residents thought there was a problem with speeding on the street and almost all respondents to this question said 'yes'.
4. Police enforcement of Access Only status and speed restriction at Garden Walk
- There are now 2 x signs near the entrance to Bateson Road.
- GWRA had written twice to Sergeant Misik at the North Area Team to request their action, and had not yet heard anything.
- There have been verbal threats made to a number of residents by drivers of vehicles who seem to be using the street as a cut through.
- Alison would endeavour to attend one of the next North Area Committee meetings to raise the issues above.
- Agreed we would re-send the letter to Sergeant Misik and Jocelynne Scutt (County Councillor) and Mike Sargent (City Councillor)
- We would write to taxi firms to state that the street is access only and to request that drivers stop using it as a cut through.
- Discussed issue of the corner of Bateson Road and Garden Walk being dangerous.
5. Rubbish Collections
These were now being done at Michaelmas Place but three were not enough, so bins sometimes overflow and there appears to be a rodent problem. This has been reported to Metropolitan Housing Association which owns and manages the premises.
Bins near Peter Maitland Court were also mentioned as they are often not removed to the right place. Deborah to raise with CHS.
6. Bateson Road play area trees
- These had been damaged either by high winds or vandalism or both.
- Jim had written to the Principal of Chesterton College about the damage.
- The City Council Asset Management and Project Officer has agreed with the Tree Officer that smaller trees will be planted in due course.
7. Street Party 2017 - date, arrangements
The application for insurance had been made. It was agreed that street closer from 10am to 7pm would be a good idea.
Sub-committee to prepare and run the street party was agreed as: Githa, Helene, Alison, Christine, and that Githa would act as coordinator. Liz would advise of the actions that need to be taken to organise the party.
We would invite the PCSO, our City and County Councillors.
Noted that Bateson Road have a picnic on the green in May.
8. Anti-social behaviour
- There had been ongoing issues with shouting and disturbances, often involving 999 services. The stance of GWRA is agreed as being that it is supportive of people living in the hostels on the street but they need enough support, and so to this end GWRA had written to the County Council which contracts for support services to express concern that there does not appear to be enough support provided to residents at the hostels.
- There is a meeting at Akeman Street Community Centre, with Metropolitan, the Police and any residents who would like to go along to discuss, and a couple of GWRA committee members would try to go along to that.
- Agreed it would be useful to send another letter highlighting the matter to the County Council.
9. Any other business
Issues with street lighting not adequately covering all of the street - dark areas near 33 and 99. This had been raised before but the Council is highly unlikely to do anything about it, so is up to affected residents to think about maybe putting a light on the front of their properties.
10. Date of next meeting
Monday 5 June 7.45pm at number 99.
(N.B. Deborah is away and we need a volunteer to take the notes of that meeting please!)
Garden Walk Residents Association (GWRA)
Meeting on
11 April 2016 at 33 Garden Walk
Garcis (64)
Paul Dupree (41)
Liz Frayling(46)
Stefan Butlin (39)
Boris Doerflinger (99)
Yussuf Casbai (41)
Alison Blair Underwood (71)
Paola White (33)
Deborah Latham (53)
Sheila Holmes (49)
Paul Dupree (41)
Liz Frayling(46)
Stefan Butlin (39)
Boris Doerflinger (99)
Yussuf Casbai (41)
Alison Blair Underwood (71)
Paola White (33)
Deborah Latham (53)
Sheila Holmes (49)
Mike Gatford
Commuter Parking, Police Intervention, No
Access signage
parking continues to be a major problem.
Residents cannot always find a space on the street and have to park
elsewhere. This puts pressure on
neighbouring streets.
‘Rat running’
down Garden Walk to Victoria Road is a major issues, taxis without any frequently
use the street as a cut through.
University Students are banned from having cars in the City. Anglia Ruskin students presumably have the
same ban – we will find out.
The street
has ‘No Access’ status which means that access to the street is only for people
who live on it and their visitors including their contractors. Access is allowed for taxis/vehicles picking
up or dropping off residents who live on the street. There is a £60 fine for anyone who does not
qualify to drive down or park on the street.
discussed that Victoria Park residents have enlisted the Police to approach
commuters who park on Victoria Park – the Police are warning people to leave or
they will be fined. (Victoria Park does not
have the problem of rat-running as it is a cul-de-sac.) The meeting agreed we should approach the
Police about the problems on Garden Walk.
Paul had circulated an email about this.
DL will send email to the Police requesting their presence to catch
commuters and rat-runners.
The No
Access signage is in position at both sides of the entrance to Bateson Road. These are not very easy to see from either
direction on Stretten Avenue. We could
do with further signs at the entrance to Garden Walk. DL to draft letter to Jocelyn Scutt, our
County Councilor, detailing the problems we have and requesting the extra
Post meeting note: Paola asked Jocelyn Scutt if the no access signs
could be positioned better so they can be seen from all dircetions. Jocelyn Scutt said she would ask a County
Council engineer to see what could be done to improve positioning of the signs.
to follow up with Jocelyn.
Only Parking – Jocelyn Scutt confirmed that any parking scheme has to be
‘financially neutral’ i.e. pay for itself.
This means a scheme would only go ahead if enough streets want it. However, we should try arguing to be attached
to the parking scheme on the streets other side of across Victoria Road. If we have to ask for other streets to be
included we need to consult with neighbours on Stretten Avenue and Harvey
Goodwin Avenue. (Other nearby streets
have parking spaces off road on properties so are very unlikely to want to
participate.) The annual cost per household is £52 for Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, or £81
for 8am to 8pm. The meeting decided it
would be a good idea to ask for residents parking. To get an idea of how many on road parking
spaces there are and how many houses do not have off road parking, DL
and Stefan would do a count. DL to
contact the County/City Councils about joining the scheme operating on the
other side of Victoria Road.
Front gardens converting to parking
Paul pointed
out a planning application for off street parking at one house on the
street. There is the issue that gardens
may gradually be lost to parking space with the environmental consequences,
unless we do something about having residents parking. This issue means GWRA will press for
residents parking.
County/City Council ideas for parking
improvements for City residents
DL attended
a meeting on 17 March about traffic and parking problems, held by Jocelyn Scutt
(County Councilor) and Nicola Gardner (Parking Policy Manager), and Evan
Lachlan ( Council Highways). An idea
presented by the County Council is to designate Cambridge City free parking for
residents only and free park and ride for commuters. This would be policed and fines applied to
non-residents parking in residential areas.
This would be paid for by a business levy. (It would also be paid for by the fines collected!) As we know, the City has a major problem with
commuters driving in and parking in residential streets, so the meeting noted
that a policy of free residents parking only would be most welcome.
Possible impacts of City Deal for Histon Road
and Milton Road
Deborah had
attended a meeting about the possible impacts of the City Deal proposals for
Milton and Histon Roads. Many local
people had expressed concern about the commuter rat-running which is very
likely to result and the pressure on side streets. Deborah, Alison and Paola would between them
write to the City and County Councils about the issues for Garden Walk.
The City Council was recently called to clean graffiti on fencing on Garden Walk and had done this within 24 hours of it being reported. The City Council street cleaning team number is 01223 458282 (see City Council website for more information).
Street Clean
The meeting
discussed that the City Council had recently cleaned the street, and we could
not see that there would be a lot to do for the time being, so this idea was
kept aside for the future.
gardeners along Garden Walk recognise that hedgehogs are good for our gardens,
as they eat slugs and snails and other pests.
These creatures are in decline, yet our back gardens are a wildlife
corridor and will help perpetuate the species and benefit our gardens if we
make sure that there are gaps in our fencing for hedgehogs to move
through. Some fencing (close boarded and
chain-link) often impedes the movement of hedgehogs between gardens unless
there are hedgehog sized gaps in it!
i.e. 6 x 6 inches or 15 x 15 cm. The
meeting agreed that all would check
there is a gap each side of their garden and if not make one, and would talk to
our neighbours about doing this.
Thinking ahead for the Street Party
Saturday 11
June was agreed as the best date. It was
agreed we should use the email addresses we have for GWRA and the gardening
club to spread the news, and would leaflet the whole street. It was agreed that Bateson Road residents be
invited to join in. Helene/Boris to ask their contacts on Bateson Road.
It was
decided to publicise the Garden Walk Residents Group at the Street Party. There will be a further meeting about this
nearer to the date in order to finalise who is helping with it and what the
volunteers are doing.
Any other business
Karina (Wells)
would be asked to create an email group for GWRA, incorporating all the email
addresses we hold for GWRA and the gardening club, to make contacting people a
lot easier. Deborah to ask Karina.
Date of Next meeting
Monday 27
June 2016 at 7.45pm, 53 Garden Walk
Monday 12 October 2015
St Luke's Church Hall Ramsey Room (use side or front door)
1. Minutes of the last meeting
2. Purpose of the Residents Association and how it will conduct itself- the written constitution
3. Ideas about things we would like to do
4. Election of the Chair, Secretary, Treasurer - nominations and voting
5. Federation of Residents Associations
6. Our Street - Map from 1886 (Heather)
7. Hiring the meeting room
8. Any other Business
9. Date of next meeting - suggestion of Monday or Tuesday evening mid-January 2016
To read the minutes of the meeting click HERE
To read the minutes of the meeting click HERE
Monday 22nd June 2015
St Luke's Church Hall Ramsey Room (use side or front door)
To read the minutes of the meeting click HERE
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