Thursday, May 9, 2013

First Meeting

Thanks to all who turned up on such a freezing, windy evening.

We decided that we'd keep the street party to last year's simple format, with a few added extras, eg, more games/ideas for street games, and  musicians, welcome.

Offers of help to date:
Furniture:  4 tables from Milton Rd PTA - (consuelo Moorsom/liz FC)
Other offers of tables welcome?
Chairs: 6 offers to date: Heather, Fraylings, - more welcome

Gazebo:  Tim (Providence) + St Luke's PTA. + team of GW men!

Food:   More offers needed
              Paola & Heather - 1 plate savoury
              Heather, Louise and Consuelo - cakes/scones.

Soft drink only - offers needed.

Plastic glasses: Consuelo Moorsom,

Plates: Offers welcome

Chalk for street drawings, old car with balloons, Lucky dip, bowls (Consuelo M) ?Badminton,
Plant exchange stall, Splat the Rat - more child-friendly ideas welcome.

Musicians - offers needed - Consuelo M. to bring ideas for a band to the Gardeners meeting next Mon 20th May.

Signs and decorations

Bunting: from last year - Razely (no. 37) to climb up lamp posts and tie up

Street closed sign from last year:

Accounts - Treasurer - Accountant needed!

Suggestion is that everyone in the street contributes 50p or £1.00.  To be collected by a group of children who knock on all doors (Sets the tone: It's children event, gives the kids a stake, informs all residents)

Please feel free to add your ideas/suggestions - and to involve your neighbours.  And tell me if I've missed anything!

(Report by Liz)

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