Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Thanks, Next Steps, Photos,

Everybody seems to think it was a great success. For those who missed it, here are some pictures of the children taking over the street (click on image for gallery view), the great food, neighbours meeting each other for the first time after many years, the large gazebo adventure (3 x 9 meters), no problems with Strawberry Fair parking, excellent signs, and some street cleaning exercise. Someone even talked about the first weekend in June for next year.

So what is next? Perhaps we should put all the email addresses into a proper email list where people can opt in and out (if you have never received an email from us, please write to gardenwalkparty@gmail.com and we can include you). This way we can stay in touch, react to issues as they occur, and combine our resources. Volunteers needed who know how to manage such a list or Google group.

Road audit:
Michael Cahn (#77) would be interested to invite everybody to a "road audit": Walking the street from end to end and documenting issues and ideas. This is a good way to see how we can address some of the issues that were mentioned: Especially traffic and parking. He invites everybody for Saturday 16 June, 10 am, at the corner of Victoria Rd. [Postponed to Saturday 23, 10:00 am]

Oh yes, that errant lawnmower, broken, back from holding up the "Road Closed" sign, it wanted to disappear in skip where it did not belong. Now that was not nice!

Corner Stretten Ave

Nice sign! It is being kept in a safe place, ready to come out again, - when?  

Party Time

Bunting Faerie

Here comes the team!


Justin's Grandchildren


Bicycle Badge! 

Street Artists


I can see you

Thanks, Liz! 

Street Art

Walking the line


My Car! 

Cry? Smile? Whatever! 


Street Painter in Action


The words: How old are you? - 14.  - I am 8 and she is 7. 

Add caption


My sister! 

Paul with bunting

You go first!

Kids take over the street

How many balloons in the car?

How many balloons in the car?

Garden Walk Cycling Team: Car drivers watch out for us

Garden Walk Cycling Team

Garden Walk Cycling Team

Garden Walk Cycling Team

Garden Walk Cycling Team

Garden Walk Cycling Team
Taking down the gazebo
The Clean Team in action

The Party is over. When is the next one?


  1. It was a wonderful afternoon - Well done for organizing it! Consuelo and family @ no 37

  2. Micheal ~ thankyou for organising this.
    Unfortunatly we could not attend, as we had previously booked a holiday.
    Looking forward to next year ( pending ) will arrange our holidays arround it to participate.

