Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bunting, balloons and decoration

To get us in the right mood, bunting, balloons and decoration will be essential. Little pieces of cloth on a line will transform the street into a party. Will any of the NIMBLE NEEDLES in the street consider the task? Here are some suggestions.

Is there some old decoration in the garden shed we could use? Perhaps those balloons will still work? This is your party, so we better think about it ...


  1. We can contribute/lend 50 m of bunting.

  2. Roll of sticky labels + coloured felt pens - for names and house nos.

    Liz FC - roll of sticky labels, Paola/Louise? coloured felt pens.

  3. Guess the number of balloons in car

    Quiz on Garden Walk - Heather/Stefan

    Garden Walk garden plant/swap stall - Louise & GW gardening club

    Lucky dip - Abi, Louise +

  4. Tables 6 - Michael, Robert, Dan ++ (to shift tables) Tim (Providence contributing 1)

    Chairs - various contributions, Heather, 2, Paola, 2, Justine, 3, FC's 2,

    Bunting = Anna F/ ?Flavia - to decorate street

  5. Music - ?

    Rob FC happy to play live saxophone for a short time in background.

    ?French family -

    ?other ?

  6. From 69A/71A Garden Walk,
    1 x table top on trestles
    1 x small childrens picnic table
    6 x folding chairs
    10 metres or so bunting

  7. Hi forgot to list 1 x pop up awning (3 x 3 metres) from 69a/71a Garden Walk

  8. Gazebo - 6 m

    St Luke's school are lending their 6 m gazebo - (for the food, in case of rain).

    Thanks Louise.
