Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Last leafletting of the street

Dressed in a big jumper, scarf and coat I set out to drop off the reminder Street Party invitations.
We received balloons from The Big Lunch and Winter Comfort so have asked our fellow residents to blow one up (or a few if the neighbours are not into blowing up balloons) and use them to decorate their gates.  Not only will this help me so that I don't have to blow up 120 by my self  but it will also create a lovely festive feel to the street. It is amazing what a bit of cooperation does for a good atmosphere.

As in other years we expect a few keen bunting hangers, to do their climb on Saturday morning.
Feel free to come and see if you can help them.

It was a great way to meet some more people in my street have a short chat if they could be there on Saturday and if they were happy to bring food or drink, had a table we could use and in 2 cases if Edmund could use their electricity for the Ceilidh music and Elizabeth could use it to keep her home made ice-cream nicely cold for what is forecasted a lovely summer day!  (at least we can be hope)

 I met many more faces this way and am looking forward to meeting them again in a few days time.

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